
Rabu, 18 April 2012


Match the words or phrases with the correct definitions from the list below.
1.      to mature. (f) to become more like an adult in the way you behave or look.
2.      practical. (l) good at making things work well or fixing things.
3.      to treat people differently. (o) to behave differently with different people.
4.      restrictions. (h) rules that stop you doing something
5.      sensitive. (m) caring or emotional.
6.      to gossip. (a) to chat about unimportant things.
7.      to annoy someone. (n) to make someone angry, but not very angry.
8.      an eating disorder. (e) an illness that makes people eat too little, usually because they are worried about how they look.
9.      a contact sport. (i) a sport where you can touch other people to get the ball off them, like rugby or basketball.
10.  to complicate something. (d) to make something seem more difficult than it really is.
11.  creative. (b) good at artistic things like drawing, music, writing poems or telling stories.
12.  puberty. (c) the time during teenage years when your body starts changing.
13.  to ignore someone. (g) to not listen to someone.
14.  unforgiving. (k) not wanting to forget or believe that someone is sorry. 

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